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Welcome to the IITB Class of 1972 Legacy Project. It’s great that you are thinking of giving back to the Institution which played such a big role in making us who we are.

There is no recommended amount and it is totally dependent on individual preferences. Rest assured every rupee/dollar of donation is extremely valuable and will be fully accounted for, till the project it is meant to fund attains fruition. We want each donor to consider the value of their IIT experience and their current economic situation and decide how much they wish to contribute.

Any amount is fine as long as it comes from the heart :)

Please take a few minutes to fill-up the below attached pledge form

First Vector Graphic

Current Active Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Country of Residence *
Phone No.
I would like to pledge in *
Amount you like to pledge *
Any matching gift from Company
Company Name
I would like to pledge in
Mode of payment
Please specify
Click here for India Regular Giving Portal
Please specify

Number of instalments (Please key in number of instalments you would like to contribute e.g.: 1, 2, 3, 4):
Installment Amount
Installment Frequency

Pledge completion date, 1 March 2025

Installment start from *


Interested in Bequest
(Gifts in Wills)?
Someone from Dean ACR office will connect with you soon
Please specify

Captcha: 7 + 1 = *

If you have any query, please write to

© 2025 - IIT Bombay